Blog 17

I read the essay Overfishing of Inland Waters by David Allen. The problem described in the essay is how the stock of fish is depleting in bodies of water due to overfishing. I chose this essay because I have always been wanting to know what overfishing is doing to the world and exactly why it … [Read more…]

Blog 16

Many people believe that art can help increase our knowledge of the world through science. However, does the evidence I’ve cited prove conclusively that science NEEDS art to move forward in the future? Some scientists might not even need art to conclude their findings. Also, physicists and neuroscientists can soon have different techniques to find … [Read more…]

Blog 15

TREAC: Art can encourage viewing things from different points of views which can help in building our empathetic thinking. Arts likelihood to place people in other peoples shoes can provide a deeper understanding of others which helps us to imagine new things. In the article “Necessary Edges: Arts, Empathy, and Education” Yo-Yo Ma states, “Empathy … [Read more…]

Blog 14

I feel like my annotations are getting better and better each time I annotate a text. I connect with the text on the paper and explain things on the paper in my own words. It was first published on WorldPost, an online news and blog site in January 2014. Yo-Yo Ma wrote the essay and … [Read more…]

Blog 13

I see I use key terms a lot and I should try and limit some of the not so important words and use s different word instead. I feel like I rely most on key terms and and pointing terms. I don’t use repetition as much as I maybe should. I don’t think there are … [Read more…]

blog 10

As I reread “I am not a story” by Galen Beck, the reading was still confusing to me but I did notice things I didn’t notice before and I did have a clearer perspective after rereading it. I noticed more of his arguments and exactly why he thought Narratives are false. He thinks they are … [Read more…]

blog 9

What I think about Galens article is that it was very hard to understand at first but once I got a few pages in I could grasp what he was saying better. I feel like he should have included some more ideas from himself and explained himself better instead of just adding quotes and ideas … [Read more…]