blog 9

What I think about Galens article is that it was very hard to understand at first but once I got a few pages in I could grasp what he was saying better. I feel like he should have included some more ideas from himself and explained himself better instead of just adding quotes and ideas from other people in. That just made the article very confusing because I didn’t know if it was him talking or if it was someone else. But, I agree but disagree with what he says in this essay. He says that personal narratives are false and I don’t agree. I think personal narratives can have lies imbedded into them but they are mostly true. Sometimes the mind doesn’t fully grasp things the way you experienced them but you still have the bigger picture. But I somewhat agree with how he said we have many selves. As we grow older we become someone different, but the past is what brought us to who we are today. For example when I was in middle school I was a totally different person than I am now but if I wasn’t the way I was in middle school I wouldn’t be the person I am today. I believe everything in our life shapes us and if one thing didn’t happen or we don’t remember something then we could be totally different. Overall, I don’t necessarily agree with what he is saying, I understand what he is saying and his view but I just don’t have that same perspective.