blog 6

Comparing my experience writing my first draft of an essay to Lamott’s was similar in some ways. I always panic right before writing it because I have no idea if it will be good or not but then I usually just tell myself that it’s only the first draft and it doesn’t have to be the best. So as I’m writing I just et my main points down and then after it is either peer reviewed or just reviewed by me everything will come to life. Just as Lamott said. I like how she said it takes her a couple days to write something and how everyone write “shitty first drafts” because it makes me feel better about how I write. Also, when I was reading this all I could think about was, “there must have been a shitty first draft to this” which is just ironic.

Revision Plan Strategy:

My goals are to elaborate on my ideas so give more information. Also, some of my sentences may be confusing because I know what I’m trying to say but some people might find it confusing. I also need to make my thesis stronger and build more off of it in my essay. Lastly, I need to add background information into my introduction about the articles we read. So the first step I will take is consider all of the comments from my peer review and incorporate what each person said into my edits. Then I will try to elaborate as much as I can on my ideas without restating my points over and over again. Then I will reread my essay outlaid to try and hear if any of my sentences don’t make sense and if they do then I will fix them to my best ability. So with my thesis I need to add more of my opinion into it and make it stronger and clearer on the point I’m trying to make in my essay. I also need to keep relations my paragraphs into what my thesis is saying. Then I’m going to add a couple sentences in my introduction saying what articles I read and briefly explain what they are about. My biggest challenge is probably going to be elaborating on my ideas. If something comes up that is too difficult for me to handle I can always email Professor Emerson and ask her questions, I could sign up for a spot with the writing fellow, I could ask friend for help, or look up helpful tips online.